Privacy Policy – LogisticMart.com

The Privacy Policy of www.logisticmart.com (where the website is referred to as “Site" and the “Mobile Application” referred to as “App”) delineates the policies that govern how personal information and facts about the identity are collected, possessed, stored, handled and later on used. The Sensitive Personal Data (alternatively referred to as “Information” for all general purpose use) is that of the individuals who browse the website on different occasions and for different purposes. 

NB.: The individuals who intend to be the USERS of www.logisticmart.com should comprehend every segment of the Privacy Policy to safeguard and protect their privacy and identity. 

It is also suggested that USERS of www.logisticmart.com should adhere to the policy statements with the sole purpose of using the Site or Mobile Application, where the accessibility is reached either through the Mobile Device or Tab or any other means for that matter. 

How Information is Collected and Collated at LogisticMart.com?

LogisticMart agrees to the fact that information gathered from the Users/ Browsers and collated at different points shall be used ONLY with respect to the services offered on the website. When the USERS SIGN UP FOR THE REGISTRATION at www.logisticmart.com, personal information like the Email Address, Phone/Mobile Number, Postal Address, and other key information points such as Tax Registration Numbers and the Business Statutory Protocols are saved for future reference.

In addition, www.logisticmart.com will have self-obligatory rights applicable for the sole business interest and not otherwise to record the conversations, or store the correspondence or utterances happening among the Users/Browsers and the Site Management for the purpose of delegating the services with the aim of incorporating stringent quality control and training procedures.

Paid Services at LogisticMart

The website may also collect personal and other sensitive information from the website User in the event that they intend to buy the paid services.  The nature of sensitive information will include Bank Account, Quantity, or Discounts as applicable on the Sale or Purchase of the website services. 

On several occasions, www.logisticmart.com will gather and store the information as well as the statistics of the website that may include the sessions, user behavior patterns, unique visitors, version of the operating system, and type of browsing activities as well.

After the User registers with us, his/her identity shall not remain anonymous as the details are specified clearly in our system. Furthermore, the information as provided by the user shall be saved and controlled by Logisticmart.com with only the purpose to relegate a league of services, and as such these services shall comply with the statutory essentials.             

The consummation of the registration process of the User with Logisticmart.com aims at a smooth and easy process of the business. 

The retention of User Information is only validated only when such information shall be used in relation to services offered to the User. It is also mandated that the information shall be treated in a lawful manner or as and when required the information is retained within the statutory enactments. 

There may be a reason or purpose for providing supernumerary services to the users of Logisticmart.com in which case we shall allow the User Information to pass to the End Service Providers besides the Payment Systems and Data Aggregators. The User Information in such an event shall become indispensable for verifying the credit analysis and testing the credit limits over a period of time.  

The details on the User’s specific points shall be fetched through the means of financial regulators from Mobile, Desktop, etc. In this event, the User’s transactional details with respect to the SMS, Device Location, Device Numbers, App Details, Wi-Fi Information, RAM Storage, etc. will be scrutinized.

It should be righteously understood that the User will update, or check the validity of information by establishing the Login on www.logisticmart.com. All Updations or Corrections shall become applicable over a period of time as we shall undertake a stringent verification process. The time for updating and Correction of information is also due to server cache policies.

Users also have the leverage of either deactivating or deleting the accounts set up on the website. The IT Team working at Logisitcmart.com shall undergo evaluation at regular intervals of time on the basis of individual cases and their subsequent scrutiny within the Laws of the Land. May it be known to the Users that the information that they have proposed/chosen to delete will remain in the archive records? The purpose of archiving the information aligns to the Statutory Presentations as described in the Court of Law and prevails within the Law of Lands.

It is mandatory for the Users to ensure through a detailed evaluation that they only select the information pieces and request their deletion, which they think has non-essential means from their perspective. 

Use of Information and the Ultimate Purpose

The information is collected and collated for various purposes, such as:

  • Simplifying the services that are listed and offered on the Logisticmart.com
  • Verifying the identity, eligibility as well as registration with the sole intent  of providing bespoke services
  • Advertising, marketing, or for the purpose of utilizing the displays and publications
  • Enhancing smooth communication with the Users visiting the website with the purpose of maximizing the business opportunities
  • Creating potent inquiries for the businesses, services as well as trade leads
  • Distributing and disseminating communications, notifications besides the newsletters and tailor-made emailers

Grievance Handling

Logisticmart.com encourage the Users of the Website to communicate their grievance with regard to the collection of data and its subsequent processing through whichever means they find suitable. In such an event where the Users draw off from the consent of processing the data, then LogisticMart holds exclusive obligatory rights to cease the services as listed on www.logisticmart.com for all future purposes.

Facts on Information Divulgence to 3rd Party

www.logisticmart.com will continuously and regularly fetch the information about you, and consequently, the information transferred to the 3rd Party Sellers like the Affiliates to ensure efficiency and relevancy. Sharing the information with respective Affiliates shall aid in providing business compatibility along with a workable and entirely personalized service model.

Information may also be disturbed by several government and/or regulatory agencies or those government agencies managing law enforcement within the structure of the statutory laws. Such agencies may require the information of the User's identity for verifying and/or prevention as well as detection or investigation in the cases of cyber incidents or passing of sentences during the prosecution and punishment of the crimes.  Here are a few significant Points that Browsers/Users must know about for the smooth use of the website:

Service providers will include cloud computing service providers (as known to be “Third Parties”) pledges for assisting in the service requirements of Users.

Business Partners shall pledge on offers related to the businesses and their selling and this shall occur without the use of the website. 

Links Directed to Website

There may be links to the 3rd Party websites that are likely to appear on different sections of Logisticmart.com and over which Logisticmart.com does not have any control whatsoever. The usage of all such websites by the User shall be managed by the Privacy Policies of those websites and therefore, the Privacy Policy of Logisticmart.com will prove null and void.

Users linking or connecting to these websites are advised to read through the lines of the Privacy Policies to gain a better understanding. 

Information Disclosures and the Manner of Treating Such Disclosures

Logisticmart.com adheres to the protocols relating to the information disclosures made by different parties (or the Users). All the parties receiving the request for information disclosures shall take the consent and conform to the following statements:

  1. The information provided by the Users will only be disclosed to a certain limit to the top management of the company, which comprises Directors, Officers, Employees, Agents, or Website representatives;
  2. Such disclosure of the information will only relate to the transactions made in respect of the business;
  3. The top management and other executive staff to which the User Information is shared shall keep the information secured by utilizing care;
  4. Furthermore, the top management shall not divulge this information to any 3rd party and in this case, the management will adhere to the Privacy Policy statement;

Rationale Followed concerning Securing the Information

  • LogisticMart understands and incorporates industry-standard measures for maintaining security and preventing information from unauthorized accessibility. At all times, we employ logic for maintaining the accuracy in the data while keeping the information useful to the optimum levels. 
  • LogisticMart employs both physical and electronic security norms for securing the information but despite these measures, LogisticMart shall not guarantee 100% security of the information.
  • Please make sure that the Users do not provide any sensitive information related to passwords of email addresses, online bank transactions, or information that is relevant and seemingly personal to the employees/agents/affiliates/ personnel of www.logisticmart.com. We would never ask for personal information.
  • It is also expected from the Users in good faith that they do not use the account or password of www.logisticmart.com with any acquaintances. Above all, the Users should also Logout from their account after completing of the task.

Use of Cookies

  • LogisticMart and the Third Parties with whom we have entered into the partnership shall use Cookies, or Pixel Tags, Mobile Device IDs, Web Beacons, and “Flash Cookies” apart from other similar technologies to collate and store the information to use www.logisticmart.com as much it aims at tracking the visit of the Users to 3rd Party websites.   
  • Cookies are also implemented for taking cognizance of the Browser Software with the sole intent of providing activities like Recommendations besides Personalization.
  • There may be 3rd Party websites advertising their products or services and often their products and services shall be accessible or advertised on www.logisticmart.comshall and also use Cookies. Therefore, we advise you to read the Privacy Policy related to the Cookies used by them and the practices to which they are adhering. LogisticMart shall by no means control the 3rd Party Practices and Privacy Policies managing the User’s interaction with them.

Collection and Use of Date with Reference of Children

LogisitcMart implements measures to ensure the privacy of the children, and in this regard, we shall not undertake any measures or put any effort to gather information from individuals who are either 18 years or less. If you are below 18 years and trying to access or make a login to www.logisticmart.com, we recommend that you do not access the information by any means. Legit steps shall be undertaken on a priority basis if it is found that the information is collected from individuals with less than 18 years without their parental consent, then the instances of this information shall be deleted immediately from our repository. 

Transfer of Data

User Information collated and collected will most likely be transferred to, and put in storage with the affiliates, partners, or for that matter any of the service providers that are either within or outside India. Users who submit their personal data are agreeing to transfer the data.


The Personal Information gathered by LogisitcMart may be shared with other countries where the same type of data protection laws may not prevail as the country from where you provided the initial information. If your personal information is used or transferred to any other country, then the information shall be protected under the Privacy Policy. We will also put in place the right type of Contractual Safeguards to ensure that the processing of information is done while maintaining ethical and high standards. All transparency and fairness will be maintained while sharing or transferring the information to a third party.

The Changing Nature of Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy of LogisticMart is subject to changes at regular intervals and therefore, the Users should check the information appearing on the page periodically


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