Some companies include packing material in the total cost, while some may charge separately
Yes, most companies provide insurance coverage, but do confirm it
Yes, if you need to store your belongings for some time, this facility is available
Yes, most of the packers and movers provide car transport services as well.
A company's registration details, physical address, phone numbers, license and certifications, insurance coverage details, customer reviews, references from previous customers, written estimates, and a detailed breakdown of their services and pricing are some of the most crucial pieces of information you should access to double check that you're hiring the best moving professionals.
No, you are not bound under any circumstances after receiving moving quotes from our end. You are all free to make your moving decisions as per your preferences. You can make close comparisons, and choose the right one that you find most suitable for your relocation requirements.
Yes, temporary storage facility is available.
Yes, most companies provide tracking facility.
Yes, most of the companies take feedback from customers.
Yes, most of the companies provide insurance facility.